Küttner is like FC – no matter how my team is playing, I am a diehard fan!

Sandra Behr

Legas Assistant

  • 46 years old, from Cologne
  • have been with Küttner since 1992

Sandra Behr is a true Küttner-Bedrock: She started her training in 1992 at Küttner, and the funny thing is it wasn’t her first choice prior to interviewing with us. As a major football fan, during her time off, the Cologne native cheers on FC and enjoys taking part in events throughout the region with her family.

When you think back: Back then, how did you end up at Küttner?

As a kid, I knew I wanted to work in an office - I found Küttner the old-fashioned way - through the yellow pages. I just called and asked for an interview. Well, truth be told, I already had a training-agreement in my back pocket, when I arrived at Küttner for my interview. And my first impression of the firm, back then in our old office space, wasn't all that positive.

Why did you decide to start with Küttner and why did you stay? - it’s been 25 years!

Why, that is thanks to the interview that I had with Dr. Küttner, which immediately reversed my initial impression. After this very pleasant and personal talk, I knew: I want to work here, because - well really great people belong to this team.

So, it was a real gut decision? Are you still happy with your job?

Absolutely! What makes this so great are the relationships - people here are real. Of course, we have our differences of opinion. But, just like in a family: Sometimes you fight, and then you get along again, because we know - we belong together. If I were to describe Küttner in one word, it would not take long to come up with one: Menschlich - it’s all about the personal connection!

Are there things that have changed during your time at the company?

Of course, the processes and procedures - the way we get things done, have changed drastically since the 90s. Back then, we still sat in front of typewriters. Computers and the Internet have made things a lot faster and you can be reached at any time and any place. In the age of email, clients often expect an immediate answer. It is a little nuts.

How do you see your future? Another 25 years at Küttner?

You never know what is next - but as it stands now, I have no plans to go anywhere. Why would I? I love my work, it’s fun, I have very nice, helpful colleagues and am met with much understanding and support for individual private matters. Sure, there are bad days now and again. But in the end, Küttner is like FC – no matter how my team is playing, I am a diehard fan!
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